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Word of Mouth

Marcos features in BioHorizons January 2016 issue

Posted on 18th December 2015 by admin

We have a great piece to share with you today from Implant Dentistry Today’s magazine and their January 2016 issue. Our very own principal dentist, Marcos White, has contributed to an advertorial featured in the magazine discussing the BioHorizons implant system which he uses at The Courtyard.

As a respected dentist in his field, Marcos has been asked to contribute his opinions about why their implant system works so well for our award winning practice here in Huddersfield. As a highly respected cosmetic dentist, noted for the great work that he does, he has been invited to feature in these advertorials and he will also feature across more articles and feature pieces over the next few months. All of which we will be sharing here with you, so keep your eyes peeled for those.

You can read the full article about BioHazards implant service and Marcos’ opinion on why they are so good for his patient at The Courtyard below:

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